Ivory Billed Lodge

Ivory Billed

Firearms Training Center

527 East Cypress Street
Brinkley, Arkansas 72021

 Call to book a hunt! 615-806-3021

 Any questions or concerns call Tarsha at 770-658-7726.

Gun Range Safety Rules

Trainer Bios

Gun Range Safety Rules


  • Every gun is loaded: Treat every gun as if it is loaded and dangerous.
  • Only point at it if you want it destroyed: Always keep the gun pointed downrange and never point a gun at anything you are not planning to shoot.
  • Mind the trigger: Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.
  • Be safe: Keep the safety in the on position and the action door open until you are ready to fire.
  • If it’s loaded, leave it on the line: Check to make sure your firearm is unloaded, the action door is open and the safety is on before bringing it off the shooting line.
  • Protect yourself: Wear protective eyewear and ear protection at all times, even when not shooting.
  • Check your weapon: Always make sure your weapon is functioning correctly, properly cleaned, and safe to use.
  • Know your target and beyond: Always know what you are shooting at and be mindful of what is around and behind your target.
  • Alcohol and gunpowder don’t mix: It is absolutely prohibited to bring alcohol into the shooting range.


Failure to abide by the above rules may result in removal from the facility and denial of future shooting privileges





Gulf War Veteran

6 years military experience

5 years Active Duty USMC

1 Year Army National Guard

Firearms experience of 16 years Pistols, Shotguns, and Machine Guns NRA certified Chief Range Safety Officer

NRA certified Range Safety Officer

NRA certified Pistol Instructor




NRA Certified Instructor for Ivory Billed Lodge Training Center

Craig Shelton taught undergraduate college chemistry laboratory classes, professional development short course classes for the Air Guard, in-house training sessions and webinars for his employer, online webinar courses for international professional societies (ISSA & IEEE), and live classroom graduate level classes for two universities. His recent experience includes three years as a student (2012-14) as he completed his doctorate in cybersecurity, so he has a feel for being on both sides of the podium. Craig first learned to shoot as a youth in Boy Scouts, and then completed initial and refresher firearms training in the Air Force. For the past 16 years one of his hobbies has been recreational shooting at the range; in the last year he expanded his training to include self-defense pistol shooting. Seeking to further grow in skill, Craig recently became a Certified NRA Pistol Instructor.